четвер, 25 травня 2017 р.

Family - Handouts

Hello again!
I think that one of the most popular topics in learning a language is "Family". So here I will write some useful links. Enjoy!!!

1. "Family Members" - http://www.agendaweb.org/exercises/vocabulary/family/family-5
2. Matching Quiz - http://esl.fis.edu/vocab/q12m/1ESL10.htm
3. Vocabulary Game - http://www.vocabulary.cl/Games/Family_Members.htm
4. "My Family" - https://pcpi-2-ingles.wikispaces.com/file/view/My%20family.pdf/253157524/My%20family.pdf
5. Reading Comprehension - https://en.islcollective.com/wuploads/preview_new/big_10557_my_lovely_family_1.jpg
6. "Meet My Family" - https://en.islcollective.com/resources/printables/worksheets_doc_docx/meet_my_family_02/present-simple-family/667
7. Crossword - http://busyteacher.org/9726-family-crossword.html
8. PowerPoint Presentation - http://busyteacher.org/24811-family.html
9. My Family (unscrambling activity) - http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/family/scrambled_letters.htm
10. Other Useful Links - http://www.agendaweb.org/vocabulary/family-exercises.html

вівторок, 23 травня 2017 р.

Professions - Handouts

Hello, my friends! How are you doing? 
I would like to share useful handouts about "Professions" with you. In my opinion, the links below are effective and helpful and I hope you will use them during your classes.
1. Matching Exercise https://www.englishwsheets.com/jobs%20occupations%20professions%20vocabulary%20matching%20exercise%20worksheet.pdf
2. Song Worksheet - http://busyteacher.org/14479-professions.html
3. Word Search Puzzle Worksheets For Kids - https://www.englishwsheets.com/jobs-3.html
4. Crossword - https://www.englishwsheets.com/jobs-4.html
5. Occupations - https://www.englishwsheets.com/jobs-6.html
6. Presentation - http://busyteacher.org/11197-jobs-professions-and-occupations.html
7. Bingo - http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/pdf/occupationsB.pdf
8. Different Worksheets - http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/occupationsPrintables.htm
9. Jobs and Professions - http://bogglesworldesl.com/kids_worksheets/jobs.htm
10. Visual Dictionary - http://www.eflnet.com/vocab/dictionary/occupations-list

понеділок, 22 травня 2017 р.

PREZI - Lesson Plan

Good evening, my readers!
Today I have learnt how to create a fantastic presentation in Prezi. I must admit - it's an exciting experience, but unfortunately I have spent a lot of time in order to make it because my computer is working sooooo slowly 😠 
But the presentation turned out great. It is a "Lesson Plan" and the topic of my lesson is "Professions". I would love you to see it, so here is the link: https://prezi.com/p/dv3yl3pyrs3i/

пʼятниця, 12 травня 2017 р.

Exploring English - Week 6

Hello, friends!💛
Today I've completed the course "Exploring English" by the British Council and I am going to tell you a little bit about the final week of this course. 

We've looked at the qualities of a good entrepreneur and listened to a very interesting interview with Richard Branson. Moreover, in the language work section I have read information about the use of –ing forms and the infinitive and such works as "make" and "do". 
To sum up, I want to say that this course is worth taking! I've learnt a lot and gained knowledge about the British culture and some other significant topics. 😊

пʼятниця, 5 травня 2017 р.

Exploring English - Week 5 🌏

Good afternoon 😊
I would like to tell you about the fifth week of the online course "Exploring English" which I`m taking during these 2 months (https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/explore-english-language-culture/7/todo/10744).
This week is called "The environment: saving the planet" 🌎🌊🌈 This week we've discussed  the environment and what we can do to protect it. Moreover, we've talked about our own behaviour and looked at an environmentally friendly project in the UK (the Eden Project in Cornwall in south west England). In the language focus section we've learnt the different uses of "so" and some new words about environmental issues.
Last but not least, I want to say that I really liked the quiz "How green are you?" because many interesting facts are included in it 📌
Thank you for reading my blog and have a great day! 😉


вівторок, 25 квітня 2017 р.

Exploring English - Week 4

Hello, my dear friends!😍

I must admit that this online course gets more exciting every week. I love reading and I really enjoyed Week 4 about the British literature. So, during this week we have learnt about literature, Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre in London. Moreover, we focused our attention on the life and works of Roald Dahl.
As far as grammar is concerned, we've discussed comparatives and superlatives and how we can modify them.
Below you can see quizes which I have done and some comments. Thank you for reading my post 💫

субота, 22 квітня 2017 р.

School - Handouts 📕📆📐

 Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "school clip art"

Good evening!
Here I am sharing different handouts on topic "School" with you. Hope they will be useful for you.

1) Classroom objects worksheets - https://www.englishwsheets.com/classroom.html
2) The classroom - https://pcpi-2-ingles.wikispaces.com/file/view/CLASSROOM.pdf/253152030/CLASSROOM.pdf
3) The classroom (a wordsearch activity) - http://www.mes-english.com/worksheets/flashcards/classroom_wordsearch.php
4) Places at school (a matching activity) - http://www.my-teacher.fr/images/cartes-mentales/1-vocabulaire/2-lieux/4-ecole/batiment/exercices/xo-placesatschool-matching.pdf
5) School Supplies (video: talking flashcards) - https://www.youtube.com/embed/g7kK989HiRQ
6) Everyday at school (song) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZUjc4TYCko
7) Getting Ready for School (reading comprehension) - http://busyteacher.org/24587-reading-comprehension-getting-ready-for-school.html
8) Back to School Board Game - http://busyteacher.org/23012-back-to-school-board-game.html
9) Classroom Objects (Crossword) - https://pcpi-2-ingles.wikispaces.com/file/view/Classroom%20Objects%20CROSSWORDS.pdf/253157826/Classroom%20Objects%20CROSSWORDS.pdf
10) Various worksheets you can find here - https://www.englishwsheets.com/classroom.html
Пов’язане зображення

Family - Handouts

Hello again! I think that one of the most popular topics in learning a language is "Family". So here I will write some useful li...