четвер, 20 квітня 2017 р.

Sport - Handouts 🏃🎾⚽🏇

Hello! 😉
Today I decided to choose the topic "Sport" and I want to share a few useful handouts with you. 🏊🏈🏀 As I and a lot of my friends have tutoring classes with children, I want to share handouts which are perfect for this age group. These worksheets include various activities and games. Below you can see links: 1) Sports Picture Dictionary Worksheet - https://www.englishwsheets.com/sports-1.html
2) Sports Matching Exercise - https://www.englishwsheets.com/sports-2.html
3) Sports Vocabulary Wordsearch Puzzle Worksheet - https://www.englishwsheets.com/sports-3.html
4) Sports Vocabulary Crossword Worksheet - https://www.englishwsheets.com/sports-4.html
5) Sports Bingo Worksheets - http://bogglesworldesl.com/sportsbingo.htm
6) Sports Crossword - http://bogglesworldesl.com/files/Sporteasy.jpg
7) Different worksheets connected to the Summer Olympics (crosswords, riddles, bingo, exercises) -    http://bogglesworldesl.com/olympics_worksheets.htm
8) Different worksheets connected to the Winter Olympics (word search activities, a word jumble activity, a crossword...) -  http://bogglesworldesl.com/winter_olympics.htm
9) Multiple Choice Questions - https://www.usingenglish.com/handouts/336.html
10) Various ESL Sports Worksheets - https://en.islcollective.com/resources/search_result?Vocabulary_Focus=Sports

11) You can create your own worksheets here - http://www.toolsforeducators.com/sports.php

Hope you will like these handouts 💟

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