вівторок, 25 квітня 2017 р.

Exploring English - Week 4

Hello, my dear friends!😍

I must admit that this online course gets more exciting every week. I love reading and I really enjoyed Week 4 about the British literature. So, during this week we have learnt about literature, Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre in London. Moreover, we focused our attention on the life and works of Roald Dahl.
As far as grammar is concerned, we've discussed comparatives and superlatives and how we can modify them.
Below you can see quizes which I have done and some comments. Thank you for reading my post 💫

субота, 22 квітня 2017 р.

School - Handouts 📕📆📐

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Good evening!
Here I am sharing different handouts on topic "School" with you. Hope they will be useful for you.

1) Classroom objects worksheets - https://www.englishwsheets.com/classroom.html
2) The classroom - https://pcpi-2-ingles.wikispaces.com/file/view/CLASSROOM.pdf/253152030/CLASSROOM.pdf
3) The classroom (a wordsearch activity) - http://www.mes-english.com/worksheets/flashcards/classroom_wordsearch.php
4) Places at school (a matching activity) - http://www.my-teacher.fr/images/cartes-mentales/1-vocabulaire/2-lieux/4-ecole/batiment/exercices/xo-placesatschool-matching.pdf
5) School Supplies (video: talking flashcards) - https://www.youtube.com/embed/g7kK989HiRQ
6) Everyday at school (song) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZUjc4TYCko
7) Getting Ready for School (reading comprehension) - http://busyteacher.org/24587-reading-comprehension-getting-ready-for-school.html
8) Back to School Board Game - http://busyteacher.org/23012-back-to-school-board-game.html
9) Classroom Objects (Crossword) - https://pcpi-2-ingles.wikispaces.com/file/view/Classroom%20Objects%20CROSSWORDS.pdf/253157826/Classroom%20Objects%20CROSSWORDS.pdf
10) Various worksheets you can find here - https://www.englishwsheets.com/classroom.html
Пов’язане зображення

пʼятниця, 21 квітня 2017 р.

Food - Handouts 🍉🍨🍪🍒

     Hello, my friends! 🍓🍫🍇
 I love talking about food (as well as eating 😉) and I guess it is one of my favourite topics. 
That's why I decided to prepare handouts related to this theme today . So lets get down to work and our worksheets 😌👇

1) Food Word Grouping Activity - http://www.esltower.com/VOCABSHEETS/food/What%20does%20lemon%20taste%20like.pdf
2) Food & Drinks Matching Activity - https://pcpi-2-ingles.wikispaces.com/file/view/Food%20and%20drinks.pdf/277227812/Food%20and%20drinks.pdf 
3) Food Word Search Activity - http://www.grammarbank.com/support-files/food-word-search.pdf ;
4) Food: Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaqISEs_uj0
5) Food: Audio & Pictures - http://www.languageguide.org/english/vocabulary/food-new/ ;
6) Fruits: Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApZNCBgoi30
7) Food Wordsearch & Grouping Activity - http://www.esltower.com/VOCABSHEETS/food/foodquantifiers.pdf
8) Crossword Activity - http://www.esltower.com/VOCABSHEETS/food/Food%20crosswords.pdf 
9) Food Spelling Worksheet - http://www.mes-english.com/worksheets/flashcards/food_spelling.php
10) Food Boardgame - http://www.mes-english.com/worksheets/flashcards/food_boardgame.php
11) Lets Talk About Food (lots of different useful worksheets) - https://en.islcollective.com/resources/search_result?Vocabulary_Focus=Food


четвер, 20 квітня 2017 р.

Sport - Handouts 🏃🎾⚽🏇

Hello! 😉
Today I decided to choose the topic "Sport" and I want to share a few useful handouts with you. 🏊🏈🏀 As I and a lot of my friends have tutoring classes with children, I want to share handouts which are perfect for this age group. These worksheets include various activities and games. Below you can see links: 1) Sports Picture Dictionary Worksheet - https://www.englishwsheets.com/sports-1.html
2) Sports Matching Exercise - https://www.englishwsheets.com/sports-2.html
3) Sports Vocabulary Wordsearch Puzzle Worksheet - https://www.englishwsheets.com/sports-3.html
4) Sports Vocabulary Crossword Worksheet - https://www.englishwsheets.com/sports-4.html
5) Sports Bingo Worksheets - http://bogglesworldesl.com/sportsbingo.htm
6) Sports Crossword - http://bogglesworldesl.com/files/Sporteasy.jpg
7) Different worksheets connected to the Summer Olympics (crosswords, riddles, bingo, exercises) -    http://bogglesworldesl.com/olympics_worksheets.htm
8) Different worksheets connected to the Winter Olympics (word search activities, a word jumble activity, a crossword...) -  http://bogglesworldesl.com/winter_olympics.htm
9) Multiple Choice Questions - https://www.usingenglish.com/handouts/336.html
10) Various ESL Sports Worksheets - https://en.islcollective.com/resources/search_result?Vocabulary_Focus=Sports

11) You can create your own worksheets here - http://www.toolsforeducators.com/sports.php

Hope you will like these handouts 💟

середа, 19 квітня 2017 р.

Exploring English - Week 3

Hello, my readers!

I have already  finished 3 weeks of this course and I must admit that they have been very exciting so far. 


So during the third week we discussed the British countryside. We also watched interesting videos and learnt more about the different countries that make up the United Kingdom. In addition, I read information about gradable and non-gradable adjectives and their modifiers in the language focus section. Below I posted my screenshots 😊

 Thank you for your time and have a great week!

понеділок, 17 квітня 2017 р.

Exploring English - Week 2

Good evening! 💜

I would like to tell you about the second week of the course "Exploring English" (https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/explore-english-language-culture/7/todo/10741).

This week is focused on British music and on how music is being used to help young people take an active role in society. I like that the language work section is included in this course and we read some information about relative pronouns and relative clauses this week.  You can see screenshots of quizes which I took during Week 2 as well as comments and my progress below. 

This course is definitely worth taking!
Bye 😉

четвер, 13 квітня 2017 р.

Exploring English - Week 1


I decided to join the online course "Exploring English" by the British Council (https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/explore-english-language-culture/7/todo/10740). I completed the first week and it was very

During that week we looked at English as a global language and how technology could help people learn. Moreover, I got a chance to learn about the usage of passives and  discussed the expressions like "in terms of" and "in the sense that". I had many quizes during this week and I will include a few pictures of them here.

I also wrote a lot of comments. Below you can see some of them.

Thanks for reading my blog and check out my review on Week 2 :)

середа, 12 квітня 2017 р.

The child as a learner

Good evening, everyone!
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Today I came across an article that explores how young children learn languages and what teachers can do to help them and their parents to make this process more enjoyable and positive. As I have some tutoring classes with little kids, I was curious to find out what stops children from learning, how they learn and which tips can help me to teach them more effectively. The highligh of this article for me was the passage about the language learning games which I can play with my students. I decided to share these games in my post.
  • Bingo - Use numbers, letters of the alphabet, or word families: furniture, fruits, sports, jobs, colours, actions.
  • Memory - Put ten everyday objects on a tray. Say what they are in English, cover them. Can your child remember what's there and tell you in English? You can also use photos from magazines or newspapers of different word families.
  • Alphabet Game - Say a letter of the alphabet. Can your child find an animal, something to eat, etc. beginning with that letter? Or ask your child to write five words beginning with one letter.
  • I-Spy - Say that you are thinking of something beginning with a letter. Your child has to guess what it is.
    Example: 'I spy with my little eye, something beginning with W.' 'Is it water?' 'No.' 'Is it the window?' 'Yes!'
  • Twenty Questions - Think of an object or animal. Your child has to ask questions to find out what it is.
    Example: 'Is it big?' 'No.' 'Is it very small?' 'Yes.' 'Is it green?' 'No.' 'Is it grey?' 'Yes.' 'Is it a mouse?' 'Yes!'
  • Definition Game - Give your child a definition, they have to guess what you're defining.
    Example: 'It is very big and it has a long nose.' 'Is it an elephant?' 'Yes!'
  • Treasure Hunt - Your child has to find something by following the clues you've written in English.
 Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "table games for kids "
If you are interested in this topic, read the full article on this link: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/child-a-learner-1

Thanks for reading my blog! Bye :)

субота, 8 квітня 2017 р.

Teens and writing skills

I cannot but agree that writing is becoming an increasingly important skill in today’s world. Teenagers use the written word in their own language to communicate in both social and academic contexts and many of them will need to develop good writing skills in English too. This article provides some awesome tips to improve your writing skills. You can find my favourite tips below.

Before writing

  1. Having something to say - helping to think of ideas and shape these ideas into a plan before students begin writing. 
  2. Roleplay - before starting a piece of writing such as an opinion essay or a ‘For and against’ essay, it can be useful for learners to argue different points of view about tphe topic.
  3. Speedwriting - it helps learners jot down all the ideas and information they have about a subject. They write continuously about a certain topic for three minutes. The aim is to get ideas down on paper.
  4. Images - they can help learners think of ideas for different kinds of writing tasks.
  5. A story mountain - before writing a story it is useful for learners to plan their storyline. A story mountain can help them do this by giving them a basic story structure. Find an example of a story mountain here:http://www.brainpop.co.uk/uk/new_common_images/files/11/112523_GO_STORY_MOUNTAIN-UK.pdf
  6. Extending vocabulary   

 After writing
  1. Having an audience – reader response - learners will be more motivated to write interesting content and think about accuracy if they know their writing is going to be read by someone other than their English teacher.
  2. Correction codes - e.g. learners make a glossary of the correction codes the teacher uses in their notebooks (sp = spelling, wo = word order, vf = verb form, p = punctuation, etc.). They also assign a section of their notebook to track the mistakes they make in each piece of writing. This way, they can see which mistakes they regularly make and consciously look out for these particular mistakes when reviewing their work. 
  3. Spelling - students do various exercises to improve their spelling as well as they memorize misspelt words from their assignments.
Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "correcting mistake"

In my opinion, these tips by Samantha Lewis are very reasonable. You should check the full article to find out more information about improving writing skills: 

четвер, 6 квітня 2017 р.

Peer and self-assessment

Hi! I would like to tell you that I am convinced that peer and self-assessment are really vital methods in learning. I found an article that provides some helpful information as well as  activities and tips which relate to these two topics. I liked the following activity for the peer assessment:

Divide the class into groups of three, composed of Student A, Student B and Student C. Each learner is going to talk about a topic in turn. While Student A, for example, is talking, Student B will be listening attentively and encouragingly, and Student C will be taking notes in order to give constructive feedback. You set a time limit. When the time is up, the students exchange roles.
Once the three rounds have been completed, learners discuss their reaction to the feedback they received.

I think this method is very effective and it helps students to remember better some information. It also teaches students to be attentive and to finish everything on time.

Along with the introduction of the European Language Portfolio has come greater emphasis on shifting the responsibility for language learning from the teacher to the learner, on learner reflection and on self-assessment. According to this article, the listening activity is crucial for the self-assessment. Steve Muir and Tom Spain (the authors of this article) recommend telling students to watch series in English as an ongoing outside class activity and then students will talk about what they are watching and share their experiences with others every week. The teacher should ask students different questions each week.

To finish off, I want to share two successful examples of this method.
  • The first is Laura, an A2 learner who got completely hooked on Glee. As a result, she has lost her fear of listening – her strongest skill now – and has seen over 20 episodes and counting – in English only! 
  • The second success story was Rubén, who went from B2 to C2 in a very short space of time purely by virtue of his near-addiction to the series Friends. He used to watch in English first but the second or third time he would look again at bits he had missed, eventually resorted to the subtitles to find out what had been said. Most classes would finish with Rubén asking the teacher for the meanings of the last two or three expressions he hadn't been able to work out from the latest episode.  Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "watching"
Here is the link to this article: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/peer-self-assessment

понеділок, 3 квітня 2017 р.

Tips to create an effective presentation in prezi

Hello everyone!!!
I want to start this post by sharing an interesting fact with you:

It only takes about 1/4 second for the human brain to process and attach meaning to a symbol.

 That is why I believe that engaging, persuasive and memorable presentations are extremely important nowadays. Here I am going to discuss a presentation that is created in prezi. 
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What is a "prezi"?
A prezi is a presentation of text and visuals that you zoom in and out of. It is very similar to a power point, except you do not make slides. Instead, you make one big prezi and zoom in to different views

Making a prezi is not as complicated as you think. I suggest you watching the video below which shows how to create a presentation in 2 minutes:

Here is one more link of prezi tutorial. It is rather long, but it shows every step in details.

I hope you will use this information and I wish you good luck with a prezi  ;)


Family - Handouts

Hello again! I think that one of the most popular topics in learning a language is "Family". So here I will write some useful li...